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Welcome from the Chair


I am delighted to welcome you to the Dunstone Education Trust and Fulwood Academy.

We have a Trust Board made up of extremely knowledgeable, skilled and dedicated people. They come from a wide range of backgrounds in education, digital technology, marketing, human resources, accountancy and more. They are experts and highly successful in each of their fields.

Our key functions as a Board are :

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction of the Trust
  • Holding senior leaders to account for the performance of the schools, their pupils and the performance of the staff
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the Trust and ensuring that money is well spent.

The Dunstone Education Trust is a values led organisation which means we are committed to our values: We Care, We Commit, We Challenge. We aim to live our values in all we do. Our ambition is to develop a group of schools which ensures our pupils are safe and happy, receive an excellent education and achieve their full potential.

Trustees are committed to ensuring that, by working in partnership, with governors, parents and the wider community, to offer an exceptional learning experience for all our pupils, preparing them for a successful future.