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Safeguarding & Child Protection

Safeguarding is everyone responsibility.

At Fulwood we are dedicated to ensuring that all pupils feel safe, cared for and happy.  Safeguarding the pupils is at the centre of what we do every day. 

Through regular training we ensure staff have the skills, knowledge and understanding necessary to keep our pupils safe.  Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (Child Protection Officer) within Fulwood Academy provides support to staff members to carry out their safeguarding responsibilities and liaises closely with other services such as children’s social care, health care services and the police.  

Our staff are trained to be vigilant for all kinds of safeguarding concerns, including bullying, online safety, emotional or other abuse or extremist behaviour. All staff follow our clear policies and procedures when any potential safeguarding concerns are identified. 

As part of the Academy’s safeguarding measures, we also ensure our pupils are not exposed to inappropriate political or controversial messages. Our curriculum and our Core Values, We Care, We Challenge, We Commit promote fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.  In line with this, we ensure all expressed views and actions contrary to these values are challenged. 

Academy Key Staff

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Ms Walker

Miss Campbell

Mr Chagas

Mrs Dixon

Miss Houston

Deputy Safeguarding Lead Mrs McCann

Deputy Safeguarding Lead Mrs Atkinson

Senior Mental Health Lead

Miss Rimmer

Safeguarding Governor

Mrs Emma Hilton

Safeguarding Trustee

Mike Snelson