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Physical Education

“A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.” 

The national curriculum for PE aims to ensure that all pupils: 

  • develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities 
  • are physically active for sustained periods of time 
  • engage in competitive sports and activities 
  • lead healthy, active lives 

(National Curriculum, DFE, December 2014). 


NCFE Health and Fitness/Dance 

Pupils have 4 minutes to arrive: pupils arrive already in kit, drop belongings in the changing room and sit down in alphabetical registered lines in the sports hall with the exception of when exams are on. 

Lessons are planned to educate pupils of the holistic benefit of Health and Fitness beyond the curriculum. 


Every pupil is expected to be in Full PE kit with a medical note if this is not possible. 

Pupils arrive and enter straight away whilst gathering their folder/ book/ DIN and sit down immediately beginning the DIN quietly. Pupil’s will line up with shoulder to the wall if member of staff has not arrived yet. 

Pupils are expected to borrow full kit if they have forgotten it. Warnings issued if no valid reason. 

Pupil’s folders/ books are labelled with Names/ target grades and key vocabulary words. 

Jewellery will be removed before taking part in any Physical Education.  

In Health and Fitness pupils work is categorised by specification criteria sheets. Each sub-unit within its own plastic wallet. 

Teachers model correct PE attire and challenge any potential attire that may not be safe to participate is not Fulwood kit. 

In Health and Fitness (final year) pupils work is categorised in their own online areas within unit 1-4 folders and sub categorised by learning aims. 

Pupils will be expected to complete a phased warm up, sometimes pupil led. Importance of why we warm up is discussed in KS3 to support future delivery of Health and fitness. 

Pupil are set revision topics at least one full week in advance of an assessment week. This is done via Class Charts. Assessment dates and assessment boundaries are clearly communicated. 

Pupils will receive the objective, outcomes and success criteria verbally in each core PE lesson. 

Pupils are set weekly homework using Class charts. 

Vocabulary used within lessons is consistent with that used throughout the NCFE Health and Fitness/BTEC Sport syllabus to enhance outcomes at key stage 4.  

Target language is used in lessons.  

A broad range of activities are delivered to all pupils from all backgrounds to enable pupils to develop competence, and promote a lifelong participation in sport. 

Key words and phrases are encouraged and displayed around the room so that pupils are exposed to the subject as much as possible. 

Lessons are designed to help pupils be active for sustained periods, engage in completive sports/ activities and to help lead healthy active lives. 

In NCFE health and Fitness pupils have a separate plastic wallet for all formal assessments and for revision materials. 

Staff and pupil demonstrations are frequently used to support pupils that need visual guidance.    

Assessments are marked, reviewed and returned  within a week to give pupils quick feedback and address misconceptions. 

Teamwork/ effort is encouraged using praise and rewards. 

Timely interventions are implemented to ensure pupils are making expected progress. 

Behaviour policy is followed explicitly. 

Analogies are frequently used to support learning. 

Question and answer plenaries are used to gauge understanding and inform teacher of any misconceptions that can be addressed in the next lesson. 

Participation/ effort is encouraged using praise and rewards. Behaviour policy is followed explicitly. 

Pupils are taught rules, strategies and tactics to help them be successful in each activity. 

Pupils will receive the objective, outcomes and success criteria via ppt slide in GCSE lessons. 

The curriculum is designed and sequenced to help pupils know more and do more each academic year.  

Assertive monitoring is used in lessons to check pupils progress and to address misconceptions early. 

Pupils are given regular feedback to help them know more and do more in lesson. This feedback may be as a whole class or individualised.  

Staff will model content via a WAGOLL if it is appropriate to help the pupils know more and remember more. 

Pupils are encouraged to take part in extra-curricular activities and represent the school in competitive format. 

Pupils knowledge and understanding is regularly checked throughout the learning journey using a variety of formative assessment techniques. I do, We do, You do is consistently used in lessons to check understanding.  

Pupils are explicitly taught core British values and the importance of sportsmanship and being graceful in defeat. 

Exit tickets are used to gauge pupil understanding of the lesson and to help plan the DIN of the next lesson or help plan a reteach in the next lesson. 

Pupils are regularly directed to the home learning page on the school website to access the knowledge organisers for revision leading up to AP assessments.  

Pupils are emailed links to knowledge organisers, as well as video clips to help with knowing more and remembering more. These are also placed on class charts. 

Pupils are regularly directed to the home learning page on the school website to access the knowledge organisers and GCSE Pod videos for revision leading up to AP assessments.