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Key Stage 3 Assessment

Fulwood Academy Key Stage 3 Assessment Philosophy and Approach 

Key Stage 3 Assessment Framework 

At Fulwood Academy Key Stage 3 (KS3) is designed as a cohesive three-year journey, starting from Year 7 and culminating at the end of Year 9. This period is essential for laying the foundation for Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11).  

In Key Stage 3 pupils follow an ambitious curriculum, the curriculum is a framework for setting out the aims of our schemes of learning, including the knowledge, skills and understanding to be gained at each stage (intent); the teaching and learning of these skills, knowledge and understanding (implementation) and for evaluating what knowledge and understanding pupils have gained against expectations (impact/achievement).  

We measure the impact of the curriculum through assessment. Assessment takes place in each lesson; it is important for teachers to know what pupils have understood and be able to reteach key concepts and knowledge that have not yet been embedded. It is also important to assess how well pupils can recall knowledge they have learnt over time; we do this through summative assessments.  

Summative assessment is about a pupil's ability to recall knowledge they have been previously taught over the year. It is for this reason that it’s important that when revising a pupil uses the knowledge organisers that can be located on the school website under curriculum, this will recap all the skills and knowledge that has been taught in each academic year. Pupils are assessed in this way at 3 points in the year. This type of assessment helps prepare pupils for GCSEs and the type of questioning and recall of knowledge pupils will need to score well during their GCSE assessments.    

Core Purposes of Assessment in KS3 

Our assessment framework is designed to meet the following core purposes: 

  1. Improving Learning: Regular assessments that require knowledge recall help teachers understand your child's strengths and areas where they might have gaps in learning, allowing for personalised teaching that supports their learning journey. 
  2. Better Teaching: The gaps in learning identified through assessments helps teachers plan their lessons more effectively, making sure they address the specific needs of each pupil. 
  3. Tracking Progress: Regular assessments help track your child's progress over time, ensuring they are developing as expected and allowing for early intervention if needed. 
  4. School Improvement: Assessment results can highlight areas where the school could improve its teaching methods or curriculum, leading to a better overall educational experience. 
  5. Encouraging Your Child: Good assessment practices can motivate your child by providing constructive feedback, helping them set goals, and encouraging a sense of achievement. 

In short, assessments help teachers support your child's learning, track their progress, and ensure the school provides the best possible education. 


Target Setting 

At Fulwood Academy, we use Fisher Family Trust (FFT) targets to help set academic goals for your child. Each pupil will be given an End of Year target in Year 7, 8 and 9.  

What Are FFT Targets? 

Fisher Family Trust (FFT) targets are data-driven predictions about a pupil's future academic performance. They are based on a comprehensive analysis of national data, which includes: 

  • Past Academic Performance: Primarily the results from Key Stage 2 (SATs) assessments and/or baseline assessments and CATs. 
  • National Trends: How pupils with similar academic histories have performed over time. 

All pupils should know their end-of- Key Stage target, as it will enable them to cross-reference it with the grade descriptors, so they know what they need to do to meet or exceed their target.  

Your child's target indicates their targets at GCSE. For example, a Yr 7 pupil with a end of year 7 target of a 2 would be expected to achieve a grade 4-5 at GCSE.  

Year 7 

Year 8 

Year 9 

FFT Target – end of Year 11. 





























Grade Descriptors 

Each subject at Fulwood Academy evaluates pupil progress at 3 points in the year. We use grade descriptors to identify what pupils need to achieve to achieve each grade.  

These descriptors are detailed statements that outline the expected level of knowledge, skills, and understanding required for each grade. These descriptions provide a qualitative understanding of what a pupil must demonstrate to achieve a particular grade. For instance, a grade description for an '6' might indicate a high level of mastery, including critical analysis, comprehensive understanding, and effective application of knowledge. The goal is to ensure all pupils are prepared to access KS4 study by the end of Year 9. 


Below is an example of the English Grade Descriptor for Grade 1. 



Reading Skills  

Writing within an essay format 

Creative Writing  


Speaking and Listening  


(sub levels determined by teacher). 


Foundational Level 


Pupils should be able to recognise and read simple words and phrases, demonstrate basic comprehension by creating simple answers to questions about texts.  They should be able to identify characters and settings in extracts. Answers will not always focus on the question or answer the question given. Oftentimes the pupil will simply re-tell the plot.  

Pupils should be able to write simple sentences using basic vocabulary, demonstrate the correct use of capital letters and full stops.  Pupils should be able to spell simple words phonetically. 


Pupils should write simple narratives with a clear sequence of events. using basic vocabulary and simple descriptive language. Pupils will demonstrate basic understanding of purpose and audience. 

Pupils will not use paragraphs or will use a random paragraph structure.  

Writing is informal in tone. 

Writing does not always make sense. 


They should start to write short, simple narratives and descriptions. Pupils will use capital letters for names and at the start of sentences; use full stops correctly at the end of sentences. If any other punctuation is used, it is inaccurate and random in use.  

Pupils should participate in group discussions, respond appropriately to questions, and express simple ideas clearly. They should listen attentively to others and follow instructions. 




Grade Boundaries 

A pupil will get marks for meeting the grade descriptors. The overall mark will then fit into a grade boundary. Grade boundaries are the scores that determine the specific grades awarded to pupils based on their scores. These boundaries mark the score ranges corresponding to each grade. For example, a grade boundary for an 'A' might be set at 85-100%, meaning that pupils scoring within this range would receive a 'Grade 3'. 


The grade boundaries for PE can be seen below. Pupils would need to meet the criteria within the grade descriptor table to be awarded an overall percentage for the assessment. 


*Some subjects assess using theory and practical assessments 


Grade (%) 

Year 7 

Year 8 

Year 9 

FFT Target – end of Year 11. 









































Frequently Asked Questions 

Are the descriptors linked to GCSE outcomes? 

No, our grade descriptors are not designed to be a direct reflection of GCSE criteria. We believe that the curriculum should extend beyond just preparing for Key Stage 4. Our broad and balanced KS3 curriculum ensures that pupils are well-prepared for KS4 while allowing them to explore a variety of subjects in depth. 

How have you determined my child’s target grade for the end of KS3? 

Target grades for the end of KS3 are noted on the front of pupils' exercise books. These targets are linked to End of Key Stage 4 targets, which pupils receive at the start of Year 10. They are based on a pupil's performance in their Key Stage 2 SATs and/or baseline assessment and CATs data, predicting progress likely to be made.  

How much progress is my child likely to make over KS3? 

Progress rates vary, but most children are expected to advance by approximately two grade descriptors over KS3. For example, a pupil entering Year 7 at a 'Secure' level is anticipated to be at a 'Skilled' level by the end of Year 9. However, this progression is not an exact science, and various factors influence individual pupil progress. Regular reviews by teachers and school leaders ensure that support is provided where needed.