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Throughout students 5-year experience in Performing Arts students will experience a wide range and have first-hand experience exploring the performing arts industry. Students will begin their journey developing fundamental performing and drama techniques, building on physical and vocal skills and finally being introduced to improvisation and devising.

In year 8 students will be introduced to texts and plays, also working with poems, finding new ways to create theatre from the materials and perform the materials. Continuing to build on the fundamental performing skills.

Year 9 students will be introduced to theatre practitioners and practically exploring their ideals and beliefs creating their own performances and working with production roles. 

GCSE students will take the AQA Technical Award in Performing Arts level 1/2 undergoing 3 units; Unit 1- Unlocking Creativity, Unit 2- Production/Performance and Unit 3- The performing arts experience. Unit 1 and 2 are practical aspect of the course, students will explore a variety of disciplines within the production roles and responsibilities and performance and keeping track of their progressions within the course and what they have experiences in workshops. Students will work collaboratively within groups to create performances as part of the course and in the final unit students will take part in a written exam looking through the whole performing arts experience. Students after the 5 years will be confident and expressive young adults, who have developed skills not only in the performing arts but also transferable skills in leadership, communication, critical thinking and creativity.