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Educational excellence, kindness, respect and community are the foundations for our approach to leading and managing learning and behaviour at the school, this is underpinned by our values; We Care, We Challenge, We Commit. 

We Care - Fulwood Academy is committed to creating a culture of respect and kindness, promoting positive attitudes to learning to all students. Where students and staff care about learning and each other, they are committed to being their best and confidently challenge barriers to learning. 

We Commit - Fulwood Academy is committed to creating a culture of strong cultural behaviour norms which allow learning to take place that is aspirational and allows students in the Academy to be the best they can be.  

We Challenge - As a school we have responsibility to challenge our students to be their best, to challenge those who display unacceptable behaviours, teach our students what good behaviour looks like and ensure each student understands their rights and responsibilities and the potential impact of their decisions and actions on their own learning and that of others. We will do this by rewarding excellent behaviour with praise and by imposing consistent and clear sanctions for unacceptable behaviour. We will ensure that those students who struggle are supported in making better choices. 

Our relationships with our students is built on ‘unconditional positive regard’, where all students are treated equally and as individuals and all students feel respected and valued at all times.  

Fulwood Academy adopts a zero-tolerance approach to disruptive behaviour. There is no 'grey area', no negotiation.  Disruptive behaviour in the classroom is not acceptable.  We understand that good behaviour needs to be taught, we model our expectations forpupils and insist on this at all times.

Rewards and celebrating success are an important part of life at Fulwood Academy, pupils’ success both within and outside the classroom is rewarded. 

Rewarding our pupils makes them feel valued, builds confidence and motivates them to achieve. In addition, rewarding good behaviour communicates the Academy's expectations and values to all pupils and gives staff the opportunity to recognise and reward commitment to the Academy values which contributes to the school culture and ethos. 

For more information, please see our Behaviour Policy.